DELIVERY DATE: 12/14/23


  • To catch mahi we have to run far offshore and look for floating debris or patches of floating seaweed called sargasso. keeping a keen eye on the horizon for birds working the surface of the water we are able to pinpoint the schools of fish. once in the area we use a variety of methods to try and boat the fish. with a speargun is always our favorite!

  • This week's delivery comes from the waters far offshore of the northwest corner of Puerto Rico. The strong winds brought in large schools of mahi, cruising the Atlantic and Caribbean in search of food. Many local fishermen had success in this area, and a significant portion of the fish in your subscription was purchased from them at market value. Your subscription to the secret seafood society is helping to support local fishermen and their families.

  • As always our catch is immediately dispatched, gutted and put on clean, food grade ice. Removing the guts is an important step when catching fish because it prevents the spreading of bacteria. The catch will stay packed on ice until we return to port where we will fillet and immediately vacuum seal for ultimate freshness. the remnants of the fish are returned to the ocean as chum.