• 1 steak of smoked king mackerel from your SSS package.

  • 1/2 block of cream cheese

  • 2 jalapeños

  • I lime - juiced and zested

  • 1 TBSP of OLD BAY seasoning

  • 1/4 cup of mayo

  • 1 TBSP of fresh chopped parsley

  • Sea Salt and Cracked Black Pepper to taste


  1. Cut smoked King Mackerel steak into 1 inch cubes and smash with a fork similar to how you would smash a tostone.

  2. Half the jalapeños and take out seeds leaving only what you want for level of spice (i.e more seeds = more spice)

  3. Puree all ingredients except the smoked fish in a food processor until well blended.

  4. Once ingredients are blended add the smoke fish and blend at the lowest setting, the idea is to keep the smoked fish a little chunky you don’t want it completely blended.

  5. Cover and refrigerate 30 minutes

  6. Ive topped this with pickled onion or jalapeño, pineapple, cilantro, and chives. Get creative and experiment there is a lot of possibilities with this recipe.

  7. Serve with plantain chips and enjoy.